1. Download, complete and upload the following form

Employment Application.pdf

2. Upload the following documents

• Copy of the driver’s driving record (This document is available at any service center of the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec)

• Copy of Canadian passport (if it does not apply)

• If the applicant does not have a Canadian passport, the following documents will be required instead:

a) Copy of current passport
b) Copy of U.S Visa

• Proof of lack of a criminal record
1. Citizens must use the services of firms accredited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and pay a fee for the criminal record check for civilian purposes. Those residing in areas not served by the private sector should contact the police service.To access the list of regions that are not serviced by private firms, as well as the list of accredited firms, go to the following link (available in French only):→ If the link does not work, go to the Sûreté du Québec’s website: In their menu select “SERVICES” → “SERVICES EN LIGNE” → “ANTÉCÉDENTS JUDICIAIRES” → “VÉRIFICATION DU CASIER JUDICIAIRE À DES FINS CIVILES” → “Procédure – Vérification du casier judiciaire à des fins civiles” 2. The firm will electronically transmit your fingerprints to RCMP, who will send you the results once the verifications are completed. The processing times are usually between 5 to 7 days, if you do not have a criminal record. 3. If you have a criminal record and you are likely to operate in the United States in the course of your job: a) Ask for a copy of your criminal record. b) Apply for a pardon with the Government of Canada under section 5 of the Criminal Records Acts. You can find the form and the appropriate information at the police station you visited. c) The Canada pardon is not recognized by American authorities. The government of the United States continues to consider the offense and it stays in the file of the person. NOTE A person with a criminal record for an offense committed in Canada is not automatically refused entry into the United States. Certain acts may be considered a criminal offense in Canada, while treated in a different manner under US legislation (i.e. driving under the influence). If the American immigration officers consider you need a waiver to operate in the territory of the United States, they will provide you with the required documents and the appropriate information. Note that a 6 month minimum delay can be expected when asking for such a document. It is possible that a person with a criminal record will be asked for a waiver before entering the United States. Despite this and depending on circumstances, the driver could obtain his FAST card for American authorities. Each case is dealt separately.

3. Read and accept the following documents:

* If you have any questions, you can contact Maria Castaneda via email